Thomas Lawton was born on the south coast of Ireland and has lived and worked in Asia, Europe and North America.
I have personally found that your interpretations and frameworks are working well for me as I grow my business.
John Claffey, Managing Director
Killarney Crystal, Ireland
He is Professor of Strategy and International Management at the Open University Business School in the UK and Visiting Professor of Business Administration at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College in the USA. He also holds visiting appointments at Imperial College Business School, the Møller Centre, Churchill College, University of Cambridge and EMLYON/EML Executive Development in China and France.
Thomas was awarded degrees from University College Cork and the London School of Economics and Political Science, and he has a PhD in International Political Economy from the European University Institute in Florence, Italy. He has previously held permanent and visiting faculty positions at Cranfield University, EMLYON Business School, Imperial College London, Trinity College Dublin, ALBA Graduate Business School, the London School of Economics, and Royal Holloway University of London. He has been a Visiting Scholar at the University of California, Berkeley, EU Human Capital Mobility Fellow at the University of Essex, and a Research Fellow at INSEAD.
Professor Lawton has served as a company non-executive director and he has worked for over 20 years in consulting and executive development, advising entrepreneurs and managers on how to develop and enhance their strategic thinking and practice. He has partnered with a wide range of companies and organizations in developing their present and future leaders and charting their international growth trajectories. He has facilitated senior management and board level workshops and run executive programs on corporate strategy, leadership, strategic innovation, and international business dynamics at universities and corporations in Asia, Europe, the Middle East and North America.
Thomas serves as Associate Editor of the leading strategic management journal, Long Range Planning, and is the Strategy Matters book Series Editor for Routledge. He has published more than 50 refereed journal articles, book chapters and case studies and is the author or editor of eight books.
Thomas Lawton is a Founding Member of the Strategic Management Forum, Fellow of the Strategic Planning Society, and Fellow of the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA). He is a member of the Academy of International Business, Academy of Management and the Strategic Management Society.